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Add Patient Vitals in OPDCompletedSathyan VelumaniNoneDoctor should be able to add patient vitals in OPD. Vitals are a "sign" which is part of the examination. He may wish to re-do a measurement done by the nurse.
Logout and Inter-Module navigation

Not Started

  • does it leave the current module or log out of the entire system?
  • From user's perspective, how can we keep "Continuity in the Patient".
  • can a user have 2 modules open at the same time? should user ever use two browser windows? What modules might you like to use at same time (OPD + Radiology, Pharmacy + Billing)? How is this at JSS vs our "next use case" vs future?
  • We only have a mechanism to get back to "page 1" in all of our modules (from the top menu)
  • what happens when a user exits a module?-what is saved? what is lost?
Search Lists: What happens when you filter/search?In Progress None

(e.g. in Examination Tab) when you filter a "search list" and choose an item, it is added to a list on the right hand side. Should the item be removed to left "search list" or stay there? -> probably should remove

What is best image for removing items? Trash can vs "X"Not Started None

"X" can be red more easily-colored, which might be useful for sending two signals at once. Try A-B testing both with users


Screen real estate in OPDNot Started NoneNeed more room in the "bottom" area (5 tabs) of OPD. Currently, the top part of the screen has "patient details", "vitals", and "chief complaint + notes".
How to train users?Not StartedIn ProgressSathyan VelumaniNone

-within the system itself (e.g. suggestion text in boxes, specially highlighted boxes, (?) icons that let you learn mode, "learn more" / "new user" mode that has extra tips, little paper clip guy or dog that gives you hints, press ? key (like in Gmail, JIRA) to see shortcuts / hints, hint mode (shows you a new hint/suggestion every time you start the system, to teach you something cool)

-outside of the system (training videos, powerpoints, documentation)

Is there some kind of user profile page?Not Started None

-who can customize it? any user or just adminstrators?
-what do users need to customize (name, image, homeLocation, currentLocation, contactInfo, medical specialties, etc, etc)
-managing permissions for users

In OPD, How to deliniate between "past visits" and "current visit"? Not Started None

-Would be nice to see designs for OPD that show (1) a patient who does have previous information and (2) a patient who does NOT have any previous information.
-Is the usability in both these cases good?
-What old data is directly visible in the main OPD tabs? what old data do you have to "navigate away" in order to see it? (e.g. prior radiology tests, skin lesion images,

What is the "journey" of a Patient in our systemNot Started None

-How does a patient move among our modules.
-What are the connecting points where a patient is moved from one module to another?
-Does a patient ever exist in more than one module? (e.g. when a patient is in OPD, the doctor is halfway through visiting them, and they're awaiting lab tests... should the patient stay in the doctor's list?)
-How many / which providers own a patient at different points in the process?
-Can a patient ever "fall out" of everyone's ownership?

Authentication + Approval BehaviorsNot Started None

Authentication - At what times do you need to re-authenticate, to prove your access? (e.g. ordering a lab test that could be dangerous/expensive, etc)
Approval - At what times do you need a 2nd user to approve your action, such as making a discount or price increase on a drug (greater than x%?).

Language - When/if to use non-EnglishNot StartedIn ProgressSathyan VelumaniNone

Hindi vs English vs local languages: Do people care if it's written in Hindi or English in the Registration desk? Is English + Hindi better? just english / just --Hindi? How does this apply at Reg Desk vs other modules?


Yes, it is important to the many patients who can only read hindi. Especially when a family has 3-4 cards, the only differentiation is the ability of the patient to read their own name in hindi. This would be solved when we have the photo function in the registration module.

Workflow for prioritizing Patients (tokens, BMI, etc)
Not StartedSurajit NundyNone
Jira Legacy
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Is it possible to register an anonymous patient (or partial details)?In Progress  None
Jira Legacy
serverJIRA (
Registration fields - what are the exact fields that JSS needs?Not StartedIn Progress  None
Jira Legacy
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BMI during RegistrationNot StartedIn ProgressSathyan Velumani None

Is BMI absolutely required or optional? Is Registration the only place that records height/weight (BMI)? Should BMI be taken separately from other parts of Registration, or should it be part of the workflow (new, search, BMI as main screen? or new, search --> both of which have BMI in their workflow)


Height is normally not captured during REGISTRATION except for TB Patients. To maintain consistency, we should have the BMI screen, but make Height Optional.

Icons, Labels, TooltipsNot Started     None

Need consistency and high-usability for low computer literacy users. (The topic of the icons with (or without) labels has been an issue for as long as graphical user interfaces have existed!  It’s definitely better to err on the side of too much information (e.g., labels).  That then leads to the fact that if the icons need labels, perhaps we don’t need the icons as they just add visual clutter.  (There are, of course, things like tool tips so the labels don’t need to be displayed all the time – but if we’re talking about core functionality, it kind of defeats the purpose…))