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Comment: added sep9 to sep23 tasks


This page is to outline the steps and progress for the billing module, which is being led by students at IIIT as a semester project.



  • Week of 1: August 26th - September 1st
    • Fri Aug 24: [Nathan] Complete short spec/designs on billing -- add to Wiki]
    • Sat Aug 25 - Sun 26: Review existing billing modules in OpenMRS and lots of other billing systems... consider lots of possible alternatives
    • Mon Aug 27 - Tues 28: improve architecture plans (database tables needed), review UI to see if we have screens yet to meet JSS's needs 
    • Wed Aug 29: Call with JSS - review our designs
    • ... Update timeline
  • Week of September 2: Sept 2nd - 8th
    • Completing the back end resources(Billing,BillingItem,BillingItemAdjustment).
    • Hoping to learn something about front end(reading some existing examples).
  • Weeks 3&4: Sept 9 -  September 23
    • Tasks to get started on front end:
      1. Clone Raxa-JSS at, install some Apache server like xampp to run ExtJS (fairly similar to video tutorial here for netbeans: Getting Started Guide: Front-end Development)
      2. Make sure it runs on your computer (only Chrome/Safari)
        1. user: admin
        2. pass: Hello123
      3. Create blank extjs project inside src/billing (copy code out of src/pharmacy)
      4. Install Sencha Architect
      5. Create blank views with Architect according to designs
  • Weeks 5: TODO

Work Status

  • Completed the 3 back end resources.- 04/09/2012
  • Tests remaining - to be done soon.
