BillingItemAdjustment fields :
- adjustment_id
- reason
- valueid --> (primary key auto increment )
- reason --> (reason of adjustment)
- value --> (value of adjustment)
- bill_item_idid --> (foreign key references to bill item which is being adjusted )
- other standard fieldsfields
BillingItemAdjustmentDAO has the following functions
BillingItemAdjustment saveBillingItemAdjustment(BillingItemAdjustment adjustment) throws DAOException; --> (save billing item adjustment)
void deleteBillingItemAdjustment(BillingItemAdjustment adjustment) throws DAOException; --> (delete billingItem adjustment)
BillingItemAdjustment getBillingItemAdjustmentByUuid(String uuid); --> (get billing item adustment by uuid )
List<BillingItemAdjustment> getAllBillingItemAdjustments() throws DAOException; --> (gets all billing item adjustments)
List<BillingItemAdjustment> getAllBillingItemAdjustmentsByReason(String reason); --> (gets all billing item adjustments with given reason)
BillingItemAdjustment updateBillingItemAdjustment(BillingItemAdjustment adjustment); --> (updates billing item adjustment )
List<BillingItemAdjustment> getAllBillingItemAdjustmentsByBillingItem(Integer billingitemid); --> (given billing item gets all billing adjustments for that item)