BillingItem table has following fields :
- bill_item_id --> (primary key auto increment , id of the item)
- bill_id -->as > (as foreign key references the bill id to which item belongs )
- provider_id --> (as foreign key references the provider id of billing item )
- concept_id --> (as foreign key references the concept id to which item belongs )
- encounter_id ->--> (as foreign key references the encounter id to which item belongs )
- order_id --> (as foreign key references the order id to which item belongs )
- quantity --> (quantity valueof the item )
- value --> (price of the item )
- other standard openmrs fields
BillingItem saveBillingItem(BillingItem item) throws DAOException; --> (save billing item )
void deleteBillingItem(BillingItem item) throws DAOException; --> (delete billing item if accidently added )
BillingItem getBillingItemByUuid(String uuid); --> (gets the billing item if uuid is given )
List<BillingItem> getAllBillingItems() throws DAOException; --> (gets all billing items )
List<BillingItem> getAllBillingItemsByBill(Integer billid); --> (gets all billing items belonging to bill no billid )
BillingItem updateBillingItem(BillingItem item); -->( updates billing item )
List<BillingItem> getAllBillingItemsByProvider(Integer providerId); --> (gets the billing item by provider)
List<BillingItem> getAllBillingItemsByEncounter(Integer encounterId); -> (gets the billing item by encounter)
List<BillingItem> getAllBillingItemsByConcept(Integer conceptId); -> (gets the billing item by concept)
List<BillingItem> getAllBillingItemsByOrder(Integer orderId); -> (gets the billing item by order)
BillingItemAdjustment fields :